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Training - Engagement - Efficiency - Performance

Learning and Development Solutions that Work

How to make learning effective?

Utilise best practices

We cannot continue learning the old way and still expect outstanding results.

Supports staff aspirations

Only motivated learners will readily absorb and implement new skills and knowledge.

Allow learners to take ownership

Responsibility for learning is shifting towards learners. They need to be proactive and engaged.

Align with the business

Learning must be squarely aligned with the business objectives and bring measurable outcomes.

Make it enjoyable

If learning is enjoyable, engagement and application are guaranteed.

Make it relevant and timely

Learning has to efficiently deliver relevant knowledge and skills at the time of need.

What are the benefits?

Upskill staff

Ensure your workforce has the skills needed to drive your business forward.

Align learning with objectives

Learning is only effective when fully delivering on your objectives.

Resolve challenges

Use learning to resolve specific issues (productivity, staff retention and others) or engage staff better to utilise their potential fully.

Improve productivity and efficiency

Engaged and skilled staff will actively contribute, innovate and be efficient in their work.

What are the costs?

“If you think education is expensive, try estimating the cost of ignorance.”
- Howard Gardner -

Delivering learning can be expensive if not planned well and designed to produce maximum results.
Organisations often commission L&D programmes and purchase learning as tick-box exercises, wasting money and opportunities to improve their businesses.

There is a better way to deliver learning!

About me

Photo of Alex Jovanovic

Alex Jovanovic, B.Ed, Assoc. CIPD, MASC
Learning and Development Business Consultant
Life Skills Coach

My mission is to integrate Learning and Development seamlessly into every facet of business decision-making. I am dedicated to supporting organisations in formulating and executing contemporary, objective-driven L&D strategies, programs, and initiatives.

Boasting over 20 years of combined experience in the Information Technology and Learning and Development sectors, I have served as an IT Consultant and L&D Partner for several commercial organisations and held various senior L&D Learning and Development roles for several UK Government Civil Service departments.

I have extensive knowledge, hands-on experience, a passion for learning, and a profound understanding of organisational challenges. I have the skills to develop and implement modern, efficient, and objective-oriented learning solutions for commercial and government entities.

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